Statements from President Crow

Statement from ASU President Michael M. Crow on Proposed Tuition and Fee Model

April 17, 2020

As you know, COVID-19 has resulted in major economic and social changes that we are all navigating.

While there are many unknowns about timelines associated with public reassembly, one thing is certain: At Arizona State University, we are pushing forward with student success remaining the most important part of our mission.

As we manage the circumstances surrounding COVID-19 we will not retreat from our responsibility to the public, in particular Arizona residents, to continue to advance and be of service in every way possible and provide students the high-quality education that keeps them on track for continued progress toward their academic and career goals.

Today’s new tuition and fee model proposed to the Arizona Board of Regents reflects the current planning scenarios we face:

    • At this time, we are not advancing any tuition change for our resident undergraduate and graduate full-immersion (on-campus) students. We continue to assess all of the circumstances related to the operations of the university, including state and federal funding scenarios. We will provide more clarity on proposed tuition rates for resident full-immersion students as soon as possible.
    • When the university is ready to advance a tuition proposal related to our resident students, we will maintain our commitment of a no more than three percent increase, with increases as close to zero as possible.
    • For all other students (non-resident and international), I have asked ABOR to provide ASU with greater flexibility in terms of our ability to set tuition and fees. I have asked ABOR to approve a cap on tuition and fee increases of no more than five percent each year for the next three years. This is consistent with our commitment to not exceed a five percent increase for the non-resident and international student populations. ASU would determine the actual tuition and fees for these students at a later date.
    • For ASU Online undergraduate students, we are proposing a limited set of fee adjustments. Similar to last year’s restructuring of full-immersion undergraduate student tuition and fees, all online fees would be moved to a four-tier undergraduate college fee structure based on a student’s program of study.         
    • Tuition for all ASU Online students would also be proposed at a later date, also with a cap so that no continuing online resident student has an increase in total tuition and fees greater than three percent and no continuing non-resident online student has an increase greater than five percent for the upcoming academic year. ASU will also maintain its commitment that no online resident undergraduate student will pay more in tuition and fees than an immersion student.

We know that students and families must plan for the future and are seeking clarity on tuition prices for the upcoming academic year as well as on how classes will be delivered. The university has the same need -- this proposal provides ASU with the flexibility needed in assessing the changing landscape and responding effectively to economic circumstances. We are working through all possible scenarios for fall 2020 – both in terms of our education delivery and teaching modes and pricing scenarios. We will communicate related information as soon as possible.

And, as previously mentioned, regardless of the circumstances ahead, ASU will continue to be fully functional, providing the complete range of educational resources one would expect to receive at a world-class research university. In a climate of uncertainty, we are committed to providing a public resource on which people can depend. ASU is proud to be home to a fantastic community of students and employees who have proven that we can adapt in any circumstance, including COVID-19. To read ASU’s proposed tuition and fee model, please click here.

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